- echo "kernel.randomize_va_space = 0" > /etc/sysctl.d/01-disable-aslr.conf
- l1tf=off mds=off mitigations=off no_stf_barrier noexec=off noexec32=off noibpb noibrs nopti nospec_store_bypass_disable nospectre_v1 nospectre_v2
- dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/urandom of=/crypto_keyfile.bin
- cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda1 /crypto_keyfile.bin
- chmod 000 /crypto_keyfile.bin
- Modify /etc/crypttab by changing
- sda1_crypt UUID=xxxx.......... none luks,discard
- to
- sda1_crypt UUID=xxxx......... /crypto_keyfile.bin luks,discard,keyscript=/bin/cat
- Create crypto_keyfile and place in /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks with
- #!/bin/sh
- cp /crypto_keyfile.bin "${DESTDIR}"
- Make the file executable and regenerate the ramdisk
- chmod 755 /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/crypto_keyfile
- update-initramfs -u -k all
- Confirm that the keyfile has been inserted in the ramdisk
- lsinitramfs $(ls /boot/initrd.img-*) | grep keyfile
- /usr/bin/compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
- /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/01_debian.conf
- [SeatDefaults]
- autologin-user=root
- /etc/pam.d/lightdm-autologin
- #auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet_success
- /sbin/rmmod pcspkr
- xinput --set-prop 9 'libinput Accel Profile Enabled' 0, 1
- xinput --set-prop 9 'libinput Accel Speed' 0.7
- sed -i 's/geteuid/getppid/' /usr/bin/vlc
- wget -O tor.tar.xz --no-check-certificate "https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/8.5.4/tor-browser-linux64-8.5.4_en-US.tar.xz"
- df248f7751b8bff862c761dab3a1502557ab92864f4ac40e41cd523ba6f5df5a
Posted by Anonymous on Sat 24th Aug 2019 02:19
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